Sunday, August 1, 2010

surrender to life

So what does it mean for me to surrender to life ?
it means leaving the past ...leaving the future .... it means trust in life itself ... IN THE ESSENCE of life itself ..knowing yourself as one with life .. not separeted from it ... and to let go of the separeted doer... to just let life carry you wherever it choose to ..knowing deep in your heart that it is for your own good ......for life is kind .. life is loving and their essence... this knowing in the heart let you be free and at peace ..and finely you can let go of worry.. of fears.... and connect deeply with your true and only essence that is love .. true love ..that makes you whole... that make you ONE.... so whole inside that there is no more you and love.. but only love as you.. as love.. one ..not two......and there is true joy and freedom to be this is the meaning of surrender to life as i see it ......may all senteint being find peace and joy ..... OM SHANTI.....