Monday, January 25, 2010

my cat as a zen master

this post is for those of you, animal lovers, like me, that has the gift of life to live with a cat or a dog , well, i adore just to sit a observe my cat , my cats were always the greatest teacher of life,for me, of how to live a full and joyful life , so this is what living with this lovely wonderfully amazing being ,this is what i have learned:
i learned never to feel guilty of just resting, not really doing anything when it is needed just to rest ,and that it is o.k,perfectly o.k and natural.i have learned from my cat to take my time with every thing ,and to do thing like eating or drinking slowly.... no need to rush , just be, peacefully drinking the moment , i learned from my lovely cat to always go for the best, always make the best choice ,for example to choose the best warm place in a Sunny day and let the sun touch you gently caresses you with love,i learned from my cat to walk gracefully ,giving attention to every movement and enjoying every movement exploring the movement of the body each step is not like the other and yet there is harmony and coordination .my cat like a true zen master was teaching me to laugh with all of my heart ,and i learned from my cat that it is pointless to worry ,and that worrying take out the fun and that having fun is what is it all about.i learned from my cat that guilt is the most unnatural and is very superficial to feel guilty and any way it does not serve any thing it does not change the situation if you feel guilty so it is pointless ,useless,well until here for now ,so now i will go to make myself a nice cup of tea and before that i am posting some photos dedicate them for all the animal lovers around the world ,just like me


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